How To Put Patches On Letterman Jacket (2 Super Easy Methods) - CustomPatchFactory.Com
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How To Put Patches On Letterman Jacket

When it comes to iconic outerwear, the letterman jacket is a timeless classic that symbolizes accomplishment and togetherness. One outstanding feature of these jackets is the ability to personalize them with patches. But how do you put patches on a letterman jacket the correct way? Whether you want to showcase symbols of your athletic achievements or your hobbies, there are various types of letterman jacket patches to choose from. These patches not only modify the aesthetic of your jacket but also tell a story. In this post, we provide a comprehensive guide on how to properly put patches on letterman jackets.

How To Put Patches On Letterman Jacket

Key Takeaways

  • You must prepare your jacket then follow the appropriate steps for a sew-on or iron-on patch.
  • Make sure you gather all the materials required before starting the application process.
  • You can attach your own homemade patches to a letterman jacket, though professionally-made ones may produce a superior look.
  • Follow best practices and avoid common mistakes for best results.

How To Put Patches On Letterman Jacket

The answer for how to attach patches to letterman jackets depends on the patch type. It always starts with preparing both the jacket and the patch, and the method is similar to how to put a patch on a hat. The most common patch types are sew-on patches and iron-on patches, so those are the two that we will cover here. But bear in mind that you can also order stick-on patches, Velcro patches and more, so we provide full instructions with your order to help you get the right result.

woman wearing a letterman jacket for how to put patches on letterman jacket


Before you begin the actual process of how to attach patches to your letterman jacket, you need to make sure you have prepared thoroughly. Upon ordering the patch, you will probably have decided on where it will be placed on your jacket. If not, you need to make that decision now, and plan the optimal alignment now that you have the patch to hand.

Once you have established the placement and orientation of the patch, you need to go about the following steps for preparation:

  1. Gather the materials: You will need your letterman jacket and your patch. If you are applying a sew-on patch, you will need a needle and thread, or you will need an iron, ironing board and a pressing cloth if you are using an iron-on patch (more details on materials later).
  2. Prepare the jacket: It is important that you don’t apply your patches to a dirty jacket, so follow the guidelines to wash or clean the jacket if necessary. You will want the area of fabric that the patch is attaching to to be smooth, clean and dry before applying.

Once you have done these things, you are ready to initiate the process of how to put on your letterman patches. Keep in mind that the procedure will differ depending on the patch type, which will be explained further.

For Sew-On Patches

After preparing for the attachment, you are ready to begin the process of sewing your patch onto your letterman jacket. Make sure you choose a thread that matches the patch and jacket for a cohesive look. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to put a patch on your letterman jacket:

  1. Position the patch: Place the patch exactly where you want it to go on your jacket, ensuring the correct orientation and alignment. It may be helpful to use straight pins to keep the patch in position once you have it where you want it.
  2. Thread the needle: Using a length of your chosen thread, matched perfectly with the patch and the jacket, push the thread through the needle’s eye. It’s a good idea to knot the end of the threat so that it can’t pull through the fabric.
  3. Begin sewing: Starting from the inside of the jacket, push the jacket up through the fabric and the patch’s edge.
  4. Sew around your patch: Using a basic running stitch, or a whipstitch, follow around the edge of the patch to secure it in place. Keep passing the needle up and down through the fabric and the patch border, keeping your stitches close together for a tight attachment. It is wise to add extra stitches to reinforce corners as they are liable to peel or catch.
  5. Secure the thread: You should knot the thread on the inside of the jacket to secure it. Cut off excess thread for a neat finish. Test the patch by gently tugging it; if it feels secure, your work is done.

Remember to take your time with your custom letterman patch. You want your sewing job to be durable and reliable, so there is no point in rushing it. If you are not confident at sewing, try practicing the stitch on some other fabric first. Alternatively, you could ask a more competent sewer to do this job for you.

For Iron-On Patches

If you have an iron-on patch, the process of how to attach the patch to your letterman jacket is different. The following step-by-step guide tells you all you need to do and includes some precautions to help ensure maximum durability.

  1. Position the patch: With your letterman jacket on your ironing board, place the patch where you want it to go on your jacket. You can use a ruler to help get accurate positioning and alignment if you wish.
  2. Take precautions to protect your patch: It is often recommended to use a thin cotton cloth or parchment paper over the patch before applying the iron. This extra layer can act as a barrier against the heat of the iron, protecting the patch from being scorched or melted.
  3. Warm up your iron: Following the directions from the guidance that came with your patch, heat your iron to the appropriate temperature. Make sure your steam setting is turned off.
  4. Apply the iron: In this step, apply the heated iron over the patch. You should try to exert pressure evenly all over the patch for about 15-20 seconds. For larger patches, make sure you repeat this process for every section of the patch until you have applied the heat all over.
  5. Test your adhesion: Try lifting a corner of the patch. If it lifts up at all, apply more heat and pressure to that area. Once you have finished this, allow the patch to cool and test it again. If anything peels, repeat the ironing process.

It is important to use a hard, flat surface like an ironing board to achieve even pressure during the heat application. However, you must not use excessive force or you may damage the patch or jacket. Avoid washing for at least 48 hours to allow the adhesive to set. We provide comprehensive instructions for applying custom iron-on patches, and our products are always manufactured to the highest standards.

some custom patches for how to put patches on letterman jacket

Materials Needed To Attach Patches

Whether you are applying sew-on or iron-on patches, you will need some basic materials and tools to complete the process. Before attempting the steps above for how to put patches on a letterman jacket, make sure you have everything you need to do the job.

For a sew-on patch, you need the following materials:

  • Your sew-on patch.
  • A clean letterman jacket.
  • A needle suitable for the fabrics of your patch and jacket.
  • Some thread that closely matches the colors on your patch and jacket.
  • Straight pins.
  • A pair of embroidery scissors.
  • A thimble (optional).

If you are applying an iron-on patch, the required materials are different:

  • Your iron-on patch.
  • A clean letterman jacket.
  • An iron, with the steam function disabled.
  • Some thin cotton cloth or parchment paper.
  • An ironing board or similar firm, flat surface.
  • Some scissors.
  • A ruler (optional)
  • A timer.

These lists cover all the essential and optional materials you will need to apply both types of patch. It is important to have everything prepared before beginning the process for how to put on letterman patches. We design our custom patches for easy application, so you will have no problem getting a secure adhesion for either patch type.

Looking for one-of-a-kind letterman jacket name patches?

Personalize your letterman jacket with a name using our cost-effective, high-quality custom varsity jacket name patches. Create your design and let us bring it to life.

Can You Put Your Own Patches On A Letterman Jacket?

Many people choose to make their own custom embroidered patches. It can be a great craft project and lots of people create some beautiful patches this way. These DIY patches can be applied to a letterman jacket if they are well-made, and you should be able to follow one of the above processes for how to put patches on a letterman jacket. If you have bought an iron-on backing for your homemade patch, just make sure you follow the instructions for the appropriate temperature.

Homemade custom patches rarely look as professional as bought ones. When you use our service, you can tailor your design and get access to a wide range of patch materials, styles, and sizes. You can also place a bulk order to get patches for an entire team or club. And we provide reliable application methods with full instructions. You can put your own DIY patches on a letterman jacket but, if you need a professional result, design your own custom patches with our affordable service.

Best Practices To Put Patches On A Jacket

Whether you are using sew-on or iron-on patches, there are a few best practices for how to put on letterman patches. Following these basic guidelines will ensure you get the attachment and presentation you want, and that it lasts for a long time. So, when applying any type of patches to your letterman jacket, be sure that you:

  • Clean and prep the jacket: If your jacket is not clean, and you apply your patch to a soiled area, there are two potential problems. First, it might compromise the strength of the adhesion, and second, that dirt will be trapped underneath.
  • Ensure patch alignment: Once your patch is attached, it will remain in place permanently. The last thing you want is for its placement to be crooked or incorrect, as this will undermine the entire aesthetic of your jacket.
  • Take care of your jacket: Once patches are applied, they need to be looked after or they can start to look bad or even come loose from the jacket.

We supply embroidered and chenille custom patches for attaching to letterman jackets, crafted to the highest standards and with outstanding attachment methods. We also include full instructions on maintaining your patches for the long-term. Pay attention to these best practices and the guidance we provide to get the best results from attaching patches to letterman jackets.

Embellish letterman jackets with high-quality custom patches

You can bring any customized design to life to enhance the appearance of your letterman jacket. Work with us to create custom letterman jacket patches for any purpose.

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How Much Does It Cost To Put Patches On A Letterman Jacket?

With our service, you attach the patches yourself. Therefore, the cost is primarily determined by the materials you need, such as the needle and thread or iron for application. Additionally, the cost of custom patches can vary based on:

  • The patch material
  • Size
  • Design complexity
  • Type of backing
  • Quantity of patches ordered
  • Any other custom features

For detailed pricing information, click the link above and use the ordering wizard to select your preferences. This will provide an estimate of the service cost.

man wearing a letterman jacket for how to put patches on letterman jacket

Common Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

There are a few common mistakes that people make when it comes to how to put patches on letterman jackets. These can lead to poor presentation of the jacket or a weak attachment that won’t stand the test of time. Let’s take a look at these mistakes and how to avoid them occurring:

  • Choosing the wrong patch type: Generally speaking, custom embroidered patches or chenille patches are best for letterman jackets. And you want a sew-on or iron-on patch, as the other attachment methods are generally not the right fit for this purpose.
  • Misplacing or misaligning patches: We talked about using a ruler to help with patch placement, While this may seem over the top, it’s a good way to ensure correct positioning and alignment. Also, use straight pins to hold your patch in position for a sew-on application.
  • Not properly securing the patch in place: When sewing, be sure to use a running stitch or whipstitch and add extra stitching at the corners. For iron-on patches, apply the heat for 15-20 seconds all over the patch and check the adhesion frequently. These are important considerations for a robust, durable attachment.

If the question ‘How do you put patches on a letterman jacket’ is causing you anxiety, come to us. Our high-quality patches are crafted to your specifications and designed for simple attachment, and we provide comprehensive guidance on attaching them correctly.

Looking for the perfect patch style for letterman jackets?

The look of custom chenille patches is a perfect match for letterman jackets, and with us you enjoy deep personalization, robust craftsmanship, and competitive pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Put Patches On Letterman Jacket

Can You Put Your Own Patches On A Letterman Jacket?

Yes you can, but make sure you pay attention to the instructions if you have used a heat-application backing. Consider ordering customized patches for a more professional look.

Best Practices To Put Patches On A Jacket

Make sure you choose the correct type of patch, and that you align the patch correctly before attaching it. Also, use the correct method for attachment for best results.

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